Forte_Forte is a collection designed and produced in Italy by Giada Forte and Paolo Forte: this way, the family name becomes the company’s name. The two siblings live in great harmony, orchestrating between them very different experiences:
Giada, the heart and soul of the brand, graduated in knitwear design at Nottingham Trent University, in England; she worked as a fashion designer in Paris and Italy.
Paolo is the mind and spinal core of the company; after years studying economy, he first worked in his family’s knitwear business, collaborating with luxury brands, and expanded his professional experience in London and New York.
After years of training and building up different experiences in Italy and abroad, Paolo and Giada feel the need to seek something special and unique, capable of reflecting their personality: pure, essential, sincere, filled with emotions. Back in Veneto, in their family’s house, located in a traditional “savoir–faire” area of the fashion district, they are capable of combining craft and industrial organisation.
This is how, in 2002, forte_forte Srl was born: a collection of timeless pieces, feminine and delicate, produced with the finest italian fabrics and enriched with special finishes and precious hand–made details. Every collection represents a fascinating story, evolving along the years a sentimental expression of passion and emotion.
Today the collection is very well known in Italy, Europe, Japan and in the United States; see you soon with a new forte_forte story…